Telegraph oxbridge colleges He says participants are selected on merit in order to unlock "hidden talent". Jump to content UK News Website of the Year 2024 The Oxbridge success rate of top private schools has dropped by a third in five years amid a drive to boost numbers of disadvantaged students, an investigation by The Telegraph has found. The Telegraph’s Oxbridge College league table ranks each Oxford and Cambridge college by its financial assets, including endowment and net assets. Alicia Luba, director of Oxbridge Applications – which has been working with schools and students to prepare for the application process since 1999 – says it’s important to think about the Some colleges, as the Telegraph’s guide explains, will give you cheaper accommodation or bigger scholarships than others; these differences are worth bearing in mind, but Oxbridge in general Oxbridge student groups will be exempt from legal action for no-platforming speakers under the Government’s new freedom of speech laws. New College had the most consistent figures from offer to acceptance. 1%. When applying, Oxbridge candidates either make an “open application”, allowing the university to allocate them a college, or they go directly to the college of their choice. Oxford and Cambridge are world renowned, but graduating from either does not guarantee a career. "Colleges will have been sensitised to what might happen, that it will all end up in Oxbridge demands three things that are not always asked for by other universities: the highest grades at A-Level, the ability to pass an interview, and the stamina to take on the tutorial system. The interview doesn’t account for 100 per cent of the final decision. Oxford and Cambridge universities can force old professors to retire in order to boost diversity, a tribunal ruling suggests. For overseas students, costs can reach up to £34,678. We are absolutely delighted that Runshaw sits shoulder to shoulder amongst the UK’s most highly Formerly Jesus Homeless Action, the group was initially founded by students from Jesus College. Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) Oxford has pledged to cut the ratio of students from the wealthiest areas of the country to those from the most deprived from around 15 to one to eight Why St John’s, Oxford, is the best Oxbridge college, according to our league table Ashley Kirk 9 Oct 2019, 9:53am Why Trinity is the best Cambridge college, according to our Oxbridge league table Oxbridge colleges decide on academic matters, and no amount of work experience or violin exams will make a difference. Over the years, both Oxford and Cambridge have increased the proportion of acceptances from state schools, which now account for 72%, up from 52% in 2000. The charity that introduced him to the sport is now aiming to get more working Uxbridge College opened in 1965, opening a second campus in Hayes. AC Grayling's £18,000-a-year New College of the Humanities opens this month with just 60 students enrolled. Brampton's sixth form accepts 300 to 400 pupils each year Bad news Girton!Mihnea Maftei (Flickr) The Telegraph offered students a crucial lifeline last week, publishing their highly anticipated Oxbridge College League Table to help prospective Oxbridge applicants tackle the age-old question, ‘Which Oxbridge college should I apply to?’ in the most obnoxious way possible. Oxbridge places 'dominated by just five elite schools' The extent to which a handful of elite schools dominate access to Oxbridge is laid bare in damning figures published for the first time today. But Choosing a university is always a daunting process, but especially in 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic has made selecting the right course more challenging than ever. St Andrews has been placed higher than the prestigious Oxbridge institutions in the Good Oxbridge should not discriminate against private school students, minister warns Michelle Donelan insists admission should be awarded on merit, but there is pressure on institutions to improve He also advised Oxbridge colleges, landed estates, charities and golf clubs. Laurie Pycroft, a masters student at Oxford, said: “I have found the ability to go without Oxbridge set to make fewer offers this year in bid to avoid 'chaos' of 2020 The Telegraph understands. Philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) Where: University of Oxford. The tool looks at secondary schools in the UK and the number of Revealed: The schools that won the most Oxbridge offers this year Find out more below ⬇️ https://www. Runshaw College is one of only 4 colleges in the whole North of England to be listed in the Top 20 state schools and colleges for the most SIR – The only criterion for entry to Oxbridge colleges should be excellence, wherever it is to be found (“Private school pupils edged out of Oxbridge”, report, October 28). The latest data for 2022 Oxbridge admissions was published in the UK's The Telegraph newspaper; it relates to the cohort of Kendall Feaver’s excellent new play, set at a present-day Oxbridge college, begins with a scene that recalls Evelyn Waugh’s Decline and Fall. But it is often difficult to find hard data to see which are the very best, and which Almost 600,000 students gain UK degrees each year without setting foot in Britain, a report has found. Former pupils have also won places at Harvard, MIT and Princeton on full scholarships. "Colleges will have been sensitised to what might happen, that it will all end up in The principal at St Hugh’s College, Oxford, told The Telegraph earlier in 2024 that she would widen “the range of students who are coming in from more challenged areas in society” if elected. Oxbridge attendance is far from being a mark of brilliance and more a reflection of a lottery system that favours applicants to certain colleges or subjects, as well as backgrounds. Private school ‘no longer automatic passport’ to Oxbridge, says author. Clemmie Cayzer, daughter of 3rd Baron Rotherick, has also attended, as has Ollie Wyatt of the Wyatt racing family, and Jack Gore, son of billionaire theatre producer John Gore. All schools are linked to a specific Oxbridge college who can give further advice if needed. I, for one, am certainly a beneficiary of this system, given that I go to St John’s, the richest college at Oxford, deemed the best Oxbridge college by The Telegraph in 2021 (shameless boasting, I know). 3 per cent The university ranks the highest in the country, and the fourth-highest in the world, for its engineering course The King’s College London Mathematics School – one of those free schools that the Left hates – has only been open three years but 23 per cent of its students got a place at Oxford or An investigation by this newspaper also found that the overall chance of getting an Oxbridge offer for pupils across 50 leading private schools - including Eton College, the school attended by 20 Economics at the University of Birkbeck. The Riot Club shows members of an elite Oxford society trashing restaurants before swaggering into the corridors of power. Do practice . This is, however, up University cancel culture is particularly pronounced at Oxbridge, he believes, “in part because Oxbridge as institutions feel the need to constantly apologise and justify themselves in the new Alicia Luba, director of Oxbridge Applications – which has been working with schools and students to prepare for the application process since 1999 – says it’s important to think about the A 12-year-old who was denied a place at a state school won an Eton College scholarship after learning how to row. The four high-performing state schools feature in third, fourth, fifth and seventh place in the rankings: Hills Road Sixth Form College, Peter Symonds College, Brampton Manor Academy, and Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College. Pupils are being put off from applying to Cambridge by their teachers who tell them it's "not for the likes of you", the first female head of St John's College has said. Fear of Oxbridge bias against fee-paying schools Private schools' head says 'alarm bells should be ringing' over how top universities handle student applications Louisa Clarence-Smith 28 Oct 2022 UK News Website of the Year 2024 Among the most popular American universities for British students are some of the most elite — Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford — and also institutions with enviable locations — New York Her name is Elly Nowell, and if you missed the story, she is the A-level student who did to Oxbridge what Oxbridge necessarily does to so many, and rejected a college yet to decide on her application. Students who stayed at private school for GCSE and A Alicia Luba, director of Oxbridge Applications – which has been working with schools and students to prepare for the application process since 1999 – says it’s important to think about the An Oxbridge College League table published by The Telegraph has revealed the percentage of students at each college who came from private schools. Acceptance rate: 15 per cent. The number of It is increasingly tough for Oxbridge colleges such as King’s to find candidates who are sufficiently trained for its auditions They have to live out, and food is not as cheap as the richer colleges and sports facilities are shared with other colleges. Ministers have been accused of “ludicrous” double According to our data, the private school with the highest number of offers from Oxbridge was the £43,272-a-year Westminster School, followed by the £44,094-a-year Eton College. It was an academic year Oxbridge demands three things that are not always asked for by other universities: the highest grades at A-Level, the ability to pass an interview, and the stamina to take on the tutorial system. Finally, too many apply for the most popular subjects and this reduces their chances. Baron Simon Woolley is the first black man to be elected as head of an Oxbridge college Credit: Buy now for £16. International schools often brag about their glowing track record for getting pupils into Oxbridge. 135 applicants were given offers, and 124 were admitted, making a discrepancy of just 1. In all, 92 per cent of schools with sixth-forms insisted that they would encourage applications to Russell Group universities, while numbers stood at 82 per cent for colleges. Trinity College, Cambridge, founded by Henry VIII in 1546, was said in 2010 to have a collection worth more than £1. It’s what makes an Oxbridge education so coveted. The table below features the A-level league table results of the top UK independent schools published by The Telegraph. The Telegraph ranked Trinity's sports An investigation by this newspaper also found that the overall chance of getting an Oxbridge offer for pupils across 50 leading private schools - including Eton College, the school attended by 20 Middle class high achievers will miss out on Oxbridge places as colleges are under pressure to meet diversity targets, whistleblowers have told The Sunday Telegraph. Costs. One in every 12 offers made by a single Oxford college have gone to pupils from two elite private schools, new data reveals. The £42,500-a A natural on television, he was also held in high regard by fellow academics and became Master of Jesus College, Cambridge Telegraph Obituaries 25 Nov 2024, 5:05pm Oxbridge topping the table is hardly a surprise: not only are their deep pockets brimming with change to set aside for health services, they are also two of the most high-pressured institutions in As the deadline to apply to Oxbridge approaches, it is revealed that half of Cambridge courses and three at Oxford will require two A* grades at A-level as an entry requirement Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) 5. University cancel culture is particularly pronounced at Oxbridge, he believes, “in part because Oxbridge as institutions feel the need to constantly apologise and justify themselves in the new One Oxford don previously told The Telegraph that conducting interviews online “certainly saves a lot of money feeding candidates and the colleges get an extra week of conference trade, which Declining music education is killing England’s choral tradition It is increasingly tough for Oxbridge colleges such as King’s to find candidates who are sufficiently trained for its auditions Across 18 subject areas offered by both institutions, the median wage of 2015 Oxbridge graduates in 2020 was £47,300, compared to £30,500 for graduates of the same courses at all other UK Since he founded Access Oxbridge in 2018, Seddon has helped more than 100 state school students gain Oxbridge places. St Edmund Hall, Oxford – 662 applications =28. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. In fact, it’s no more expensive to study at Oxbridge than at any other university, and all colleges provide on-site accommodation for at least part of your course, which is usually much cheaper Teenage boy who murdered Brianna Ghey was ‘headed to Oxbridge’, mother says Inquest hears Eddie Ratcliffe, who along with Scarlett Jenkinson has been jailed for life, was a ‘very caring UPDATE: Following publication of this article, St John's College has asked us to put its position that the question about Eton's 'reputation for breeding arrogant, posh young men' was never asked MI6 has welcomed its first ever school trip as it broadens its recruiting pool for spies and tries to dispel the perception that staff are only chosen via a “tap on the shoulder” at Oxbridge Now students aged 14-18 have the opportunity to win a scholarship of up to 100% for the programs: GCSE, A-LEVELS and Foundation Year. For anyone hoping to study at Oxford or Cambridge, how do you know which of the 50 colleges is the best one for your preferred course? This exclusive league table combines an abundance of The best schools near you for Oxbridge and Russell Group admissions Revealed: The state schools, colleges, and sixth forms with the best university admission rates Find out which schools in the UK have the most Oxford and Cambridge offers for 2022, including state and independent schools. However, it’s wrong to suggest that change isn’t happening. Sep 23, 2024 Find out which state and independent schools in the UK send the most students to Oxford and Cambridge, based on data from 2021. Prof John Pitcher, a leading Shakespeare scholar and fellow at St John The time of year that sees legions of hopeful and nervous, teenagers turn up to the doorsteps of their chosen Oxford and Cambridge colleges ready to face the notorious Oxbridge interview. Telegraph Obituaries 14 May 2019, 5:17pm. Undergraduates can get involved in college-based sport, music or drama. The selective school received the highest number of Oxbridge offers of any school . Higher education courses came into effect from the early 1990s and it now shares strong links with a number of London-based University courses that beat Oxbridge. Every year, So, here are the thirty most unpopular Oxbridge colleges, which received the least applications in 2023. I, for one, am certainly a beneficiary of this system, given that I go to St John’s, the richest college at Oxford, deemed There are more than 50 colleges between Oxford and Cambridge – how can you find the best one for your course? We ranked them, so you don't have to ♂️ The Telegraph offered students a crucial lifeline last week, publishing their highly anticipated Oxbridge College League Table to help prospective Oxbridge applicants tackle the An Oxbridge College League table published by The Telegraph has revealed the percentage of students at each college who came from private schools. You could do worse than employ the Deputy Prime Minister's tactics to get a university place at Oxford or Cambridge Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) If a student is offered a place but does not make the grades, there is a possibility for some “wriggle room” if there were extenuating circumstances. This is a golden opportunity for Kosovar students who can become international students to study in these programs that enable them to be potential candidates for TOP 5 [] Joe Seddon, a recent Oxford graduate who set up ‘Access Oxbridge’ from his bedroom last year, enlisted an army of 500 volunteers, all of them current or recent Oxbridge students, to provide The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are two of the most competitive universities to get into in the UK, but there are some courses that are more competitive than others. The number of people studying at British universities overseas has risen by Oxbridge admissions from state schools double in five years While state school admissions to top universities rose grammar school entry rates have been stagnant over the same time Louisa Clarence A new interactive tool developed by The Telegraph will equip parents with information on Oxbridge admissions. Applications in 2014: 1,651. T here have been calls for the Government to make a U-turn on A-level results after figures indicated that close to 40 per cent of A-level grades have been downgraded. University cancel culture is particularly pronounced at Oxbridge, he believes, “in part because Oxbridge as institutions feel the need to constantly apologise and justify themselves in the new A free school in one of the poorest parts of Britain, nicknamed the “Eton of the East End”, is to send eight pupils to Oxbridge this year, putting them ahead of some of the most famous public UK News Website of the Year 2024 The report said numbers going to Oxbridge from the 30 top-performing independent schools was twice that of the 30 top state grammar schools – even though pupils got roughly the same A-level results. Yet while dumbed-down institutions offering Mickey Mouse degrees have grown like Topsy, Cambridge last added a new undergraduate college in 1979 and Oxford even earlier in 1963. The Telegraph can reveal that the overall likelihood of receiving an Oxbridge offer across 50 leading private schools, including Eton College, Harrow School and Winchester College, the alma mater There are Oxbridge colleges that have failed to admit a single black British student in recent years. Mark Peel, author of a book on the history of independent schools from 1979 to now says many parents are now “wary of Economics at the University of Birkbeck. Cardiff Sixth Form College, who top the list in terms of percentage of top grades (A/A*) attained 94. Prof John Pitcher, a leading Shakespeare scholar and fellow at St John Private schools must accept that they will place fewer students at Oxbridge, the vice-chancellor of Cambridge has warned. All of the students resitting their maths GCSEs gained B or C grades, and the college's overall St John's College, Oxford, came top in the Telegraph's 2019 Oxbridge College league table Credit: Sergio Mendoza Hochmann/ Moment RM Lisa Freedman. 6 million – which Uxbridge College opened in 1965, opening a second campus in Hayes. Why St John’s, Oxford, is the best Oxbridge college, according to our league table. Dubai College has fallen just outside the top 10 in 12th place for international schools with the highest number of Oxbridge offers for 2021. St Catharine’s The Telegraph’s Oxbridge College league table ranks each Oxford and Cambridge college on its accommodation. It ranks 119th when competing against UK and international schools for Oxbridge entrance. An Oxbridge education is seen as the gold standard of education in the UK, but debate has Oxbridge Applications are Proud to Work with the UK’s Top Independent Schools. Raffles Junior College, Singapore and Hwa Chong Institution received 86 and 63 offers respectively for the UK's two top-ranking universities – and are the only two overseas schools to feature in the global top 10. Could there be anything more wearyingly predictable than another Lefty in charge of an Oxbridge college? Our leading universities have become a sort of Blairite donkey sanctuary for members of the Posted on January 28, 2022 - Sixth Form College We are delighted to once again be recognised by the Daily Telegraph as being among the Top 20 state schools and colleges in the country for the most Oxbridge college offers!#ProudRunshaw. The number of young people applying to – and being rejected from – Oxford has hit an all-time high: each year, more than 18,000 candidates seek 3,200 Almost a third of the country’s leading public schools have at least one Oxbridge governor, as experts warn that students may be getting an upper hand on admissions to the two top universities. Of the 300 undergraduate offers that Magdalen College has made in the Oxbridge colleges are an easy target, but going after them overlooks the real problem: the poor education state pupils get By Julia Hartley Brewer 14 December 2015 • 1:15pm Oxford University A recent report from the Sutton Trust charity revealed that pupils from just four independent schools and one sixth-form college secure more Oxbridge places every year than students from 2,000 Perhaps, then, Oxbridge colleges are the best places for them. Students are members of colleges, which are small communities where friendships are easy to form. In 2021 the UAE's only academically selective school had 11 With Oxbridge colleges now obsessively trying to recruit students from minority or disadvantaged backgrounds, it’s affirmative action-style admissions politics, rather than wealth, that is A Cambridge University college has limited its essay prize to state school students in the wake of a row over Oxbridge access. No statistics suggest they are 12 per cent more interesting, 12 per cent The Telegraph can reveal that the overall likelihood of receiving an Oxbridge offer across 50 leading private schools, including Eton College, Harrow School and Winchester College, the alma mater The University of St Andrews has knocked Oxford and Cambridge off the top spot in a national league table. But staff were jubilant this week after pupils received 41 Oxbridge offers, equating to 14 per cent of Year 13 students – up from just one offer in 2014, when the first cohort of sixth-formers Oxbridge offers for pupils at Eton College have halved in recent years amid attempts by the country’s two leading universities to boost their intake of state-educated pupils. The tool looks at secondary schools in the UK and the number of students going on to Oxbridge after A-levels and details which schools get the most Oxbridge offers. 2 percent in 2016 to 29. Show comments The Telegraph values your comments but kindly requests all posts are on topic, constructive and respectful. Applications in 2019: 2,092 Acceptance rate: 9. telegraph. It is for that reason that Naheed Bardai, its softly spoken Canadian head, wants to do UK News Website of the Year 2024 Emma Raducanu is eyeing up a future as a University of Oxford student, according to her friend and fellow tennis professional Fran Jones, who recently spent a day touring Oxford’s colleges with her. 03 October 2019 12:01pm BST My eldest son is a Emma Raducanu is eyeing up a future as a University of Oxford student, according to her friend and fellow tennis professional Fran Jones, who recently spent a day touring Oxford’s colleges with her. The number of students who came from a private school background varies between colleges. co. 7% of top grades from a pool of 155 Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) Join the conversation. The university's radical Oxbridge schools - explore the colleges table The Tiffin Girls' School Tiffin is a highly selective grammar school for girls aged 11-18, located in Kingston upon Thames. St John’s College, Oxford, is the best Oxbridge college, New data compiled by The Telegraph has revealed which schools and colleges in Yorkshire get the most pupils into Oxbridge. Professor Les Ebdon's selection as the new head of the university regulator has raised fears of "social engineering" among independent schools and elite universities. Such schools often employ teachers who are experienced in gaining places at Oxbridge, seeing student progression to top universities as natural, rather than improbable. The latest data for 2021 Oxbridge admissions was published in the UK's The Telegraph newspaper; it relates to the As a self-confessed outsider in an office that dates back to 1230 – not only the first woman vice-chancellor after 271 men, but also non-Oxbridge [her first degree was at Trinity College, Dublin Another woman’s son recently applied to an Oxbridge college to read Philosophy. Choosing a university is always a daunting process, but especially in 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic has made selecting the right course more challenging than ever. Tricky interview questions at Oxbridge colleges are eminently sensible – they help dons find students they will actually enjoy wrangling with over Thucydides By Robert Colvile 16 October 2013 If you are reading this, you are probably one of the lucky students who has been invited to interview at the University of Oxford or University of Cambridge — world-leading universities with The timing could not have been more apt. The Spectator has published its annual table showing which schools received the most Oxbridge offers last year. We take you through 10 courses with better graduate prospects Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) It comes as the higher education regulator publishes a report about the tough targets universities have agreed to set for boosting their intake of Head porter at one of Oxford University's oldest colleges quits to run as Ukip MP candidate. Newnham College runs an annual contest for all female year 12 pupils The four high-performing state schools feature in first, fourth, eighth and ninth place in the rankings are: Brampton Manor Academy, Hills Road Sixth Form College, Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College and Peter Symonds College. . The latest data for 2021 Oxbridge admissions was published in the UK's The Telegraph newspaper; it relates to the Students with traditional surnames such as Darcy and Percy have dominated the roll-calls at Oxford and Cambridge Universities since the Norman Conquest, a new study has revealed, sparking concerns Oxbridge dons describe the admissions process as 'exhaustive and exhausting'. Held in affection and respect by colleagues as well as clients, he joined the Farrer partnership in 1985 and rose to Oxbridge set to make fewer offers this year in bid to avoid 'chaos' of 2020 The Telegraph understands. Kenric 'Dickie' Bird tells The Telegraph why he defected from the heart of the educational hierarchy to 4. But Oxbridge chapels report quiet revival in digital era as Christians, Muslims and atheists alike seek solace in choral music and Prayer Book evenings in the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge are Such as how Queen's College has benefited from funds via the company that invented Velcro, and how Trinity College has bought a 999-year lease on the O2 Arena in London (formerly the Millennium Dome). Join the conversation. Oxbridge sex blogger 'lifts lid on university love life' An anonymous female blogger has begun a racy online diary describing her sexual exploits and affairs at an Oxbridge college. UK News Website of the Year 2024 Oxbridge colleges are renowned for their vast wine cellars. For anyone hoping to study The school was a former party pad for William Randolph Hearst, the American publishing magnate, whose guests included Clark Gable, Charlie Chaplin and David Lloyd George; Hearst’s old bedroom is The elephant in the room is the fact that, from my painful experience, there is a kind of cosy complicity between these institutions – Oxbridge colleges staffed mostly by people with no The sixth-form college revels in its history – but makes no bones about wanting to create much more of it. 5 per cent in 2022. uk/news/2023/10/14/brampton-private-schools-eton St John’s tops our exclusive Oxbridge college league table, a first-of-its-kind ranking of Oxford and Cambridge colleges that combines an abundance of explorable data with the opinions of With more than 50 colleges to choose from at Oxford and Cambridge, how do you find the best one for your course? We've drawn up an exclusive league table to help you decide It’s what makes an Oxbridge education so coveted. Remember that Oxbridge colleges also consider exam results and personal statements. Higher education courses came into effect from the early 1990s and it now shares strong links with a number of London-based Oxbridge attendance is far from being a mark of brilliance and more a reflection of a lottery system that favours applicants to certain colleges or subjects, as well as backgrounds. uk or call 0844 871 1514. 30. This is where Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours rule comes in: Chirnside, whose pupils score better than those at top grammar schools despite the entrance process being far less selective, is Research by The Telegraph showed Oxford and Cambridge have both seen record demand for places this year, while numbers have also peaked at other institutions such as Edinburgh, University College Prof Reeves and Prof Friedman claimed this alone would “do little to break the dominance of private schools within Oxbridge”, and called for further measures to shake up the admissions system. He was top of his year at Eton and in the interview they allegedly asked him a series of what she describes as Sky News talked to students who admitted using the drug, claiming it was widely available on campuses. Pushy Parents – here’s how to beat Nick Clegg at his own Oxbridge game. Such as how Queen's College has benefited from funds via the company that invented Velcro, and how Trinity College has bought a 999-year lease on the O2 Arena in London (formerly the Millennium Dome). 99 at books. Being Master, or Provost, or Principal is largely a figurehead position, and it is to be hoped the damage can be contained to demands A natural on television, he was also held in high regard by fellow academics and became Master of Jesus College, Cambridge Telegraph Obituaries 25 Nov 2024, 5:05pm The four high-performing state schools feature in third, fourth, fifth and seventh place in the rankings: Hills Road Sixth Form College, Peter Symonds College, Brampton Manor Academy, and Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College. The rankings are based on the percentage of A and A* grades achieved by students who took A-levels in 2022. uk) with the And arch-rivals Oxford offered places to Krysia Cywinski, Michael Farrell, Ben Kinley and Ben Smyth. Admissions expert Caroline Lindner sets out five important things you should know if you're thinking of applying. The Oxbridge premium – the extra pay due to studying at Oxford or Cambridge relative to the national average – tends to be around £15,000. Two Singapore schools have beaten the prestigious Eton College for Oxbridge offers. See the global rankings, success rates, and profiles of the top 20 schools for Oxbridge entry. Oxbridge College League Table 2019 (Article) Oxford has pledged to cut the ratio of students from the wealthiest areas of the country to those from the most deprived from around 15 to one to eight One Oxford don previously told The Telegraph that conducting interviews online “certainly saves a lot of money feeding candidates and the colleges get an extra week of conference trade, which Last year, its pupils received 41 Oxbridge offers, while two were offered places at Ivy League institutions. A new interactive tool developed by The Telegraph will equip parents with information on Oxbridge admissions. Image credit: KathrynW1 on Flickr St John’s College, Oxford, has been ranked as the best Oxbridge college by a new ranking in The Telegraph. The Telegraph Best Private Schools League Table lists the top 190 UK Private Schools based on their A-Level results. What profile do you need? Posted on February 11, 2020 - Sixth Form College, University Runshaw College is number 1 in the country for Oxford College offers! An article in the Daily Telegraph has for the first time shown which colleges and school sixth forms send the most students to Oxbridge Colleges. A new ranking by The Telegraph compares Oxbridge colleges across four key areas: financial assets, academic performance, lifestyle and accommodation. Co-founder Matthew Batstone explains why the private university is in no hurry to boost Posh kids could be better off at the local comprehensive than at private school From getting into Oxbridge to playing normal sports, here are 12 reasons why you might benefit from a state education Westminster is the latest in a spate of independent boys’ schools to start admitting girls in recent years. The TSHA can currently call upon student volunteers from over 20 colleges. When the headmaster of Universities should want brilliant British minds, not dumbed-down foreign cash cows 'Diversity' candidates are preferred over majority white children and British students are losing out Inside the ‘Oxbridge factory’ Singapore school that only costs £160 a month The Raffles Institution is leading the race to secure coveted places at our top universities. For anyone hoping to study Telegraph analysis of the latest Oxbridge figures show that amongst the top 20 independent schools, offer rates have fallen from 40. The data was published in the UK's The Telegraph newspaper. Oxford city guide. Julie Henry finds out why. Oxbridge applications must be submitted by October 15. The highest percentage of private school students being 52 per cent and the lowest proportion being 10 per cent. Brampton Manor Academy is a selective sixth form with academy status in Newham, east London, one of the country’s poorest boroughs. It was one student, Li Use our interactive tool to see how many pupils at schools in your area received places to study at Oxford and Cambridge Dubai College has fallen just outside the top 10 in 12th place for international schools with the highest number of Oxbridge offers for 2021. See the global rankings, success rates and profiles of the top 20 Oxbridge schools. Engineering. Professor Stephen Toope said that the "premium" attached to independent Students with traditional surnames such as Darcy and Percy have dominated the roll-calls at Oxford and Cambridge Universities since the Norman Conquest, a new study has revealed, sparking concerns Head porter at one of Oxford University's oldest colleges quits to run as Ukip MP candidate. The league table is described as an Private school pupils who move to state sixth form are up to a third more likely to get accepted into Cambridge, The Telegraph can reveal. The mundane reality of Oxbridge’s ‘secret’ societies. Cambridge admissions tutor Mike Sewell and Oxford college access don Peter Claus take us through it. gurney-read@telegraph. As the deadline for Oxbridge Ucas applications arrives, the University of Oxford have released a set of sample interview questions in an attempt to explain some of the stranger sounding problems Pupils are being put off from applying to Cambridge by their teachers who tell them it's "not for the likes of you", the first female head of St John's College has said. 6 million – which Only someone educated at Westminster, like Nick Clegg, is sufficiently out of touch to imagine that Oxbridge colleges could be packed with the children of the illiterate unemployed. Sign up to our student life newsletter for T here have been calls for the Government to make a U-turn on A-level results after figures indicated that close to 40 per cent of A-level grades have been downgraded. There are also alumni willing to help. Oxbridge admissions from state schools double in five years While state school admissions to top universities rose grammar school entry rates have been stagnant over the same time Louisa Clarence A recent report from the Sutton Trust charity revealed that pupils from just four independent schools and one sixth-form college secure more Oxbridge places every year than students from 2,000 With a score of 55, this places King's College London Maths School above the likes of top-ranking independent schools including £29,946-a-year St Paul’s Girls’ School and £37,485-a-year The summer vacation starts this coming week, and Keble is one of seven colleges at Oxford (the most recent additions being Trinity, Queen's and University) and four at Cambridge (Corpus Christi Oxford and Cambridge universities can force old professors to retire in order to boost diversity, a tribunal ruling suggests. The universities minister has attacked Oxbridge for its “staggering” failure to attract more black students, saying that colleges must look beyond exam results to improve diversity. The The Telegraph’s Oxbridge College league table ranks each Oxford and Cambridge college by its academic achievement, as reflected in the Norrington and Tompkins tables (scores computed from the Trinity College (Cambridge) comes second in our exclusive Oxbridge college league table, a first-of-its-kind ranking of Oxford and Cambridge colleges. Oxbridge colleges are renowned for their vast wine cellars. It was an academic year Peter Claus of Pembroke College, Oxford, who is the first ever full-time access fellow appointed at an Oxbridge college, made the comments to the Telegraph just one week before the deadline for A 2018 Sutton Trust study showed that just eight institutions, six of them private, accounted for more Oxbridge places than 2,900 other UK secondary schools combined. In 2021 the UAE's only academically selective school had 11 A free school in one of the poorest parts of Britain, nicknamed the “Eton of the East End”, is to send eight pupils to Oxbridge this year, putting them ahead of some of the most famous public As the deadline for Oxbridge Ucas applications arrives, the University of Oxford have released a set of sample interview questions in an attempt to explain some of the stranger sounding problems Statistics suggest new Oxbridge graduates earn 12 per cent more than contemporaries from other first-rank institutions. For 2019 entry, the cost of an undergraduate degree at Oxford is £9,250 for Home and EU students. Email Josie Gurney-Read (josie. Kenric 'Dickie' Bird tells The Telegraph why he defected from the heart of the educational hierarchy to 10. Ashley Kirk 9 Oct 2019, 9:53am. ijj scx iguqwd iultl qgbehaa jwrva upfpiu tber mji cuqsv